Tiffany Isom is the Residential Manager at Teresa’s Interim Housing program located in Deborah’s Place’s Old Town location at 1530 N. Sedgwick. She became interested in organizing the Point-in-Time (PIT) count at Deborah’s Place because of the work she does with the women in that program, many of who come directly from the street. She thought that participating in this annual event would give her more insight into how to engage with the women she sees every day. But her experience has taught her so much more.
Tiffany sees this as a leadership opportunity, getting to network with people who are interested in addressing the problem of homelessness. The count brings people together from all over the city – volunteers, other agencies, city workers – for a powerful and unifying experience. It’s also a chance for her to represent Deborah’s Place and educate people about the agency.
Deborah’s Place is one of only two agencies coordinating the PIT count for the west side of Chicago. Tiffany works with the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) and All Chicago to plan the count. This one night is a snapshot of homelessness in Chicago that provides data to inform government agencies about the importance of investing in and expanding homeless services and educates the public about the reality faced by thousands of people in the city each year.
Professionally, Tiffany feels this experience has helped her grow in her position at Deborah’s Place. “Being part of the Point-in-Time count has shown me just how important this work is that we’re doing,” she says. She has a better understanding of the needs of the women and continually wants to learn how to engage with them and provide the best possible services and support. This year, she was elected as a member of the Point-in-Time sub-committee at All Chicago, so she will be part of the planning and evaluation process year round.
Deborah’s Place is proud of Tiffany and recognizes her hard work and dedication to the women we serve and the larger homeless population.