Deborah’s Place has always excelled at building community partnerships. With the volume of move outs scheduled at Marah’s all summer, we were happy to find Leterious Hall and Hall’s Superior Moving Services. They helped many women move from our building in Lakeview to their own independent apartments across the city.

Leterious believes it’s important to give back. “I have a heart, you know. That’s why I don’t change as much. I like helping as much as I can so that people who are struggling can get to that next level.” This isn’t the only way he gives back either; Leterious also goes out once a year to help unsheltered people on the street, passing out food and clothing.

Leterious also likes helping Deborah’s Place because it’s helped his business grow as well. He was in a slow period when he first gave Residential Director Betty Washington a call and sat down with her in her office to talk over the plans. Because of his work with us, he’s been able to grow the business and hire more people.

Thank you to Hall’s and all our valued community partners.

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