Deborah’s Place is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring that a dynamic and diverse Board of Directors is providing mission-based leadership, strategic governance, and promoting excellence in cutting-edge solutions to ending homelessness. 

Deborah’s Place Mission

Deborah’s Place opens doors of opportunity for women who are homeless in Chicago. Supportive housing and services offer women a key to healing, achieving their goals and moving on from the experience of homelessness

Board Member Job Description

Deborah’s Place Board of Directors comprises leaders from the nonprofit and for-profit sector who are dedicated to the Deborah’s Place mission, values and impact.

Roles and Responsibilities of Board Membership: 
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Deborah’s Place believes that achieving the organization’s mission requires diverse voices, perspectives, skills and experiences. All board members are expected to lead from the top to promote respect for the intersectionality of race, age, color, disability, faith, religion, education, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, social class, economic class, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, and all other identities represented within our organization.

  • Make Deborah’s Place a philanthropic priority while on the board
  • Contribute to the annual board fundraising goal through the “give or get”
  • Connect Deborah’s Place to professional and personal networks
  • Support fundraising events including ticket purchases and bringing guests to the events
  • Participate in donor stewardship activities including thank you calls to donors
Leadership, Governance and Oversight
  • Approval of strategic plan and regular monitoring of the plan’s implementation
  • Review of and adherence to governance policies and procedures
  • Approve Deborah’s Place annual budget, audit reports and business decisions
  • Review & verify that Deborah’s Place is meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities
  • Conduct annual performance evaluation of the CEO
  • Conduct annual self-evaluation of the board
  • Serve on a board committee
  • Represent Deborah’s Place to the public
Board Terms/Participation Expectations
  • Serve on a standing board committee
  • Come to meetings prepared
  • Bring a collaborative attitude and presence
  • Ask questions and be willing to learn
  • Engage in effective decision making – do not avoid or defer
  • Maintain knowledge of current programs and staff of the organization
  • Contribute at least 4 hours per month on board related activities

Board meets six (6) times a year. 

Standing Committees meet six (6) times a year. 

Board terms are two (2) years and may be renewed twice (total of 6 consecutive years of service).

Desired Skills and Expertise

We are currently accepting Board applications from individuals with backgrounds and expertise in the following areas:

Legal:  To assist with reading and advising on policies, leases, vendor contracts and other legal documents

Community Representation: To provide feedback and insight to the organization in building relationships and advocacy agendas for communities where our programs and services are sited (East Garfield Park, Old Town and West Humboldt Park)

Facilities Management: To advise and assist with planning and budgeting for capital projects

IT: To provide resources and expertise that expands technological capacity of staff and residents

Marketing/Communications: To assist in developing a marketing strategy that includes traditional methods as well as social media

Fundraising: To provide expertise and connections in raising funds and the ability to increase Deborah’s Place networks and donor base.

People with Lived Experience: To advise the Board on the lived experience of homelessness and to inform program planning

QUESTIONS: Contact Governance Committee:

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